pbn file which is not Mac related to the folder you created for the deal files.
It will be uncompressed and open a window containing several files. Warning: Bridge Baron may not be able to use aliases on all operating systems. pbn file to the folder you created for deal files. zip and the un-compressed file will have an extension of. The compressed file will have an extension of. It will then be uncompressed and saved in the same location. If you downloaded a file that was compressed (.zip): If you downloaded a file that was not compressed (not. On older operating systems you may need to find where the file has been downloaded. Most current operating systems will save it to a Download folder.
You may want to put it on your desktop for easy access. After downloading them you will uncompress them and then save them for use in Bridge Baron. Overview: The files on our website have been compressed (reduced in size and put in a special format for downloading).